
Scientific Journal Neurometry

Is having ISSN 2594-438X, semiannual international journal, being published since year 2017.


Coelho, Viviane Ceccato, Evaluation of motor coordination in children with neurovisual disorders with impairment in visual processing and stereopsis. 2024. F. tese mestrado, UNICAMP, Campinas, 2024;


Meneses, A.M.D., Amaral, M.M., dos Santos, L. (2022). Applicability of Neurometry in Assessing Anxiety Levels in Students. In: Bastos-Filho, T.F., de Oliveira Caldeira, E.M., Frizera-Neto, A. (eds) XXVII Brazilian Congress on Biomedical Engineering. CBEB 2020. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 83. Springer, Cham.


Murilo Toledo Calafange., et al. “Association Between Functional Neurometry Test Results, Blood Biomarkers Indicative of Subclinical Inflammation and the Increase in Slow Waves Observed in the Quantitative EEG of Patients with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)”. EC Neurology 15.1 (2023): 17-29


Monteiro-Junior, R.S., Santos, I.R.D., Machado, F.S. and (2021), Intra- and inter-rater reliability of brain’s activation area measurement on imagej: An easy and low-cost method for cognitive and neurophysiological studies. Alzheimer’s Dement., 17: e058591.


Monteiro-Junior RS, David IR, Mendes IHR, Coutinho LA, Júnior BJM, Oliva HNP. Cortical Brain Response to Acute Bouts of Exercise in Patients with Severe Psychiatric Disorders: Report of Three Cases. Explor Res Hypothesis Med. Published online: Apr 13, 2023. doi: 10.14218/ERHM.2023.00011.

Ribas RMG, Ribas VR, Oliveira DCL, et al. Association between functional neurometry test results and blood biomarkers indicative of anaemia,subclinical inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction. Int J Complement Alt Med. 2021;14(5):225‒233. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2021.14.0056

GORLA, José Irineu; BURATTI, Jéssica Reis; SOUZA, Nayara Christine. Analysis of motor coordination and hyperactivity in children with Mears-Irlen syndrome. In: HEALTH of children and adolescents: challenges and perspectives. Organized by Flávio Henrique Corrêa, José Irineu Gorla. Ponta Grossa, PR: Aya, 2021. E-BOOK. (1 online resource (p.)), ill., digital. ISBN 9786588580639. Available at:

Hemodynamics, baroreflex index and blood biomarkers of a patient who died after being affected by COVID-19: case report; RIBAS et a. 2020.

Ribas V., Guerra Ribas R., Viana M., da Silva Dias J., Cavalcanti I., Rodrigues M. The functional neurometry of Nelson Alves Pereira Júnior: an advanced method of mapping and biofeedback training of the autonomic nervous system functions. J Psychol Psychotherapy Res. 2020;7:1–19. 

Suliano, L. C., Kaniak, R. de P., Lopes, S. S.-, & Jorge, M. L. S. G. (2020). Neurometry Applied to Three Points Used for Positive Impulse in Auriculotherapy. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research11(1), 1-9.

Souza, Nayara & Buratti, Jéssica & Gorla, José. (2020). Protocolos do treinamento neurométrico e suas contribuições para atividade física. Research, Society and Development. DOI: 9. 987975097. 10.33448/rsd-v9i7.5097. 


ROCHA, Tulio Brandão Xavier. A utilização da realidade virtual na reabilitação: uma proposta para aquisição de habilidades motoras e cognitivas. 2022. 59 f. Tese (Doutorado em Neurologia/Neurociências) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Neurologia/Neurociências, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, 2022.


MENEZES, Marx. ADp: framework de audiodescrição poética. 2019. 253 f. il., Tese (Doutorado em Artes)—Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2019.  Link 1.   Link 2 (repositório)

YEAR 2020



The contributions of Psychoanalysis in Functional Neurometry in the control of anxiety; SILVA, Maria Bernadete Lima Maia. LINK


Functional Neurometry as a differential tool in the evaluations of children and adolescents with Burnout Syndrome; OLIVEIRA, Cassia. LINK

YEAR 2019



Neurofunctional and Psychopedagogical Intervention in dyslexic rehabilitation; FERRAZ, D. de Lima. LINK


Anxiety control with predominance of mid-pulse alpha brain wave in functional neurometry; WOLLMEISTER, Elinara  LINK


Influence of cranial osteopathic manipulation on the autonomic nervous system measured by functional neurometriy in patients with fibromyalgia; FAVARETO, R. Minholi LINK 1

YEAR 2019



Variability analysis of the operation of the autonomous nervous system of athletes with cerebral PC soccer modality; GORLA, J. Irineu et al col. DOI: 10.29327/23854.4.1-1  LINK 1 | LINK 2 | LINK 3


Functional neurometry and applicability monitoring in individuals with focus and attention problems; MARCOS, J. S. Dias DOI: 10.29327/23854.4.1-2  LINK 1 | LINK 2


Impact of therapeutic use of neurofeedback on pain management; BONAFÉ, Fernanda S. Sampaio DOI: 10.29327/23854.4.1-3 LINK 1 | LINK 2

YEAR 2018



Functional Evaluation of Neurotransmitters; ALVES, Nelson Pereira Jr LINK 1 | LINK 2


Neurometric evaluation as a tool for the development of neuroemotive intelligence; ASSOUF S., Eliana LINK 1 | LINK 2


Leadership and motivation in the clinical environment as a behavioral strategy; OLIVEIRA, Elaine Aparecida LINK 1 | LINK 2

YEAR 2018



Computadorized microfiotherapy neurometric response: case report; PIORSKY, Anamaria Naiva; MUNIZ, Marcelo M. Ferreira LINK 1 | LINK 2


Neurometric anxiety control profile in subjects with low school achievement; PITA, Maria Tereza Carneiro LINK 1 | LINK 2


Before the evaluations: psychopedagogic and neuropsychological integrated to the DLO with POC, how to approach them in a positive way and with effective result to the attendance; BERTOLINO, Beatriz Montenegro LINK 1 | LINK 2


Functional neurometry as a tool in practice psychopedagogic in cases of learning difficulties, through the training of anxiety control; MORELLO, Gloria Maria LINK 1 | LINK 2

YEAR 2017



Correlation between the cognitive and physiological systems, through the galvanic response and cardiac coherence in neurometry; BARCELOS, Debora Pereira LINK 1 | LINK 2


Correlation between neurometric dystonia and food allergy for the treatment of cognitive disorders; ALVES, Nelson Pereira LINK 1 | LINK 2


Treatment and prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases, based on the variability of the nervous system in neurometry; ALVES, Nelson Pereira Jr LINK 1 | LINK 2


Baseados na tecnologia de Neurometria, através do BioBodyGame e Neurobodygame:

Zuanon, Rachel. (2013). Designing Wearable Bio-Interfaces: A Transdisciplinary Articulation between Design and Neuroscience. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8009. 689-699. 10.1007/978-3-642-39188-0_74. Link1 e Link2

Zuanon, Rachel & Jr, Geraldo. (2013). Using BCI to play games with brain signals: an organic interaction process through NeuroBodyGame wearable computer. 10.3217/978-3-85125-260-6-64. 

Zuanon, Rachel. “Bio-Interfaces: Designing Wearable Devices to Organic Interactions.” In Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts: Scientific Data through Graphics. edited by Anna Ursyn, 1-17. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2012. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-0942-6.ch001

In: :Estúdio. “O corpo como suporte nas linguagens artísticas electrônicas” – Lisboa, 2010. – A. 2, nº4 (Inverno 2011), p. 129-134

Zuanon, R., Lima Jr., G.: NeuroBodyGame: the design of a wearable computer for playing games through brain signals. In: Proceedings of ISEA 2011: International Symposium for Electronic Arts. Istambul, Turkey (2016)

GASPARETTO, Débora Aita. Arte digital e circuito expositivo: um curto em torno do FILE. Dissertação (mestrado – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais). Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RS, 2012.


Souza, N.C. et al col. 2019. “Análise do predomínio de onda cerebral (POC) em atletas com paralisia cerebral da modalidade de futebol PC”. Poster apresentado no VII congressode ciência do desporto 2019 – VI simpósio internacional UNIAMP, Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil de 2019. ISBN 978-85-99688-48-9.   Link de acesso Anais UNICAMP

Suliano, L.C. et al col.2015. “Neurometric computed response in auriculoacupuncture – case report”. Poster presented in Society for Acupuncture Research 2015 International Conference, HARVARD univervity, Boston, MA, USA.

Pessoa, R.J.C. et al col. “Tratamento de uma depressão refratária com auxílio da neurometria funcional de Nelson Alves Pereira Júnior: Relato de Caso”. Trabalho apresentado ao III Simpósio Nordestino em Neurociências, Nutrição e Desenvolvimento Humano 2019, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, PE, Brasil 2019  CONTEÚDO DO POSTER LINK

Gorla, J.I. et al col. “Neurometria funcional como recurso em avaliação de esportes para pessoas com deficiência”. 7º seminário internacional ANDE, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Anais ISBN 978-85-99688-47-2.

Cavalcanti, I.R. et al col. “A eficácia da neurometria funcional de Nelson Alves Pereira Júnior no auxílio diagnóstico da anemia: Relato de caso”. Trabalho apresentado ao III Simpósio Nordestino em Neurociências, Nutrição e Desenvolvimento Humano 2019, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, PE, Brasil 2019  CONTEÚDO DO POSTER LINK

Suliano, L.C. ” Neuroimaging regarding the stimulation of the point of joy in auriculoterapia”. 5th International Conference on Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Chinese Medicine”, Chicago, USA 2017.

Suliano, L.C. ” Neuroimaging from different stimuli in auriculotherapy”. 7th International Conference on Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Chinese Medicine”, Munich, Germany 2017.

SALA, R.D. et al col. “Análise do desempenho cardio-funcional de uma essência vibracional floral por meio da Neurometria” poster apresentado no Congresso Latino Americano de Terapias Quânticas (CSTQ), São Paulo, SP, Brasil 2016.



Pesquisa 1 (clique aqui para ver): Imagem corporal, comportamento e escolha alimentar e satisfação com a vida de indivíduos brasileiros


Pesquisa 2 (clique aqui para ver): Comportamento alimentar de estudantes universitários brasileiros


Livro: Costa, Sara; Pereira, Rafael “Programa de Estímulo a Atenção II”; Lisboa, Portugal; Qualconsoante, 2017.

Livro: Atlas de Auriculoterapia de A a Z – Silvério-Lopes, ISBN: 9788564619203; Edição: 3ª Ano: 2017; Autor: Sandra S. Lopes e Lirane Suliano

Livro: Síndrome da deficiência postural / um olhar neuropsicopedagógico; Editora: CASA DO PSICOPEDAGOGO; Autora: RUCENITA LEITE DE QUEIROZ (psicopedagoga Brasil); Autor: ORLANDO ALVES DA SILVA, médico Lisboa/Portugal.

Livro: Bruxismo, ISBN: 9788536701042 Edição: 1ª; Ano: 2009; Autor: Maciel, Roberto Nascimento; Editora: Artes Médicas

Livro: Gestão sem Medo; Autor: Alfredo Assumpção; Saraiva Editora

Aims, Scope and About

The Scientific Journal of Neurometry (SJN) is a journal designed by the Brazilian Society of Neurometry.

Tipo: Periódicos eletrônicos
Área(s): Multidisciplinar
Conteúdo: Texto completo
Origem: Estrangeira
Suporte físico: Internet
Descrição: Diretório de revistas eletrônicas de acesso aberto, permite o acesso gratuito a revistas científicas e acadêmicas de qualidade. Também podem ser realizadas buscas por artigo de periódico.
Editor: Brasilian Neurometry Society
Disponível em: Publisher site
Formas de acesso: Internet (acesso livre)

This journal seeks articles with the objective of developing a vehicle for debate and dissemination of scientific works in various areas of health, education, sports and personal performance, correlated with neurometry.

The evolution will be to supply the need in several areas and increase the stimulus to research from the early stages of the professional trained. The SJN seeks to collaborate in the process of dissemination of scientific and technological production, showing the ability of professional researchers and also students in the process of Initiation to Scientific and Technological Education in producing, elaborating and disseminating their scientific productions relevant for the transformation and improvements in science and technology. We will increasingly fill the academic gap with publications willing to encourage and disseminate written work on neurometry. This omission, whether voluntary or unthought, perpetuates inaccuracies in the training and criticism of professionals, which ultimately prove unable to concatenate the information acquired with the questions of reality. Therefore, for the valorization of the research, it is necessary to stimulate the debate and the social utility of the produced knowledge. Through tools such as the one we presently present - a space that disseminates the quality academic production of members and professionals from all over the country and abroad.

The scientific journal of neurometry accepts for publication unpublished articles resulting from theoretical studies, research and experience reports. The publication of articles is subject to the opinion of members Scientific Committee or Ad hoc Collaborators. The selection of articles for publication takes as its basic criteria its contribution to the areas of knowledge accepted by the Journal and its editorial line, as well as as the consistency and rigor of the theoretical-methodological approach.

Any changes in structure or content suggested by the Editorial Board will only be incorporated upon agreement of the authors. With this, RCN will favor the diffusion of intellectual production from work completed or in the process of investigation coming from different sources within of higher education.

We reinforce this space as a possibility to encourage active posture in the learning process. We strive for a teaching method that promotes not only the reproduction of content but the construction of reasoning and argumentation. We argue that the change of posture through actions more proactive, will contribute to the formation of more capable and competent professionals in their Social.

We appreciate your confidence in our initiative and wish you a great read!

The Editorial Board


Ph.D. Alfredo González-Ruibal (Universidade Complutense de Madrid - Espanha)
Ph.D. Ana Paula Nunes Chaves (UDESC – Florianópolis/SC)
Ph.D. Arlete Assumpção Monteiro (PUC/SP - São Paulo/SP)
Ph.D. Barbara M. Arisi (UNILA – Foz do Iguaçu/PR)
Ph.D. Carmen Sylvia de Alvarenga Junqueira (PUC/SP – São Paulo/SP)
Ph.D. Claudio Carlan (UNIFAL – Alfenas/MG)
Ph.D. Denia Roman Solano (Universidade da Costa Rica - Costa Rica)
Ph.D. Débora Cristina Goulart (UNIFESP – Guarulhos/SP)
Ph.D. Diana Sandra Tamburini (UNR – Rosário/Santa Fé – Argentina)
Ph.D. Edgard de Assis Carvalho (PUC/SP – São Paulo/SP)
Ph.D. Fabiano de Souza Gontijo (UFPA – Belém/PA)
Ph.D. Gilson Rambelli (UFS – São Cristóvão/SE)
Ph.D. Graziele Acçolini (UFGD – Dourados/MS)
Ph.D. Kelly Ludkiewicz Alves (UFBA – Salvador/BA)
Ph.D. Lilian Marta Grisólio (UFG – Catalão/GO)
Ph.D. Lucia Helena Vitalli Rangel (PUC/SP – São Paulo/SP)
Ph.D. Luciane Soares da Silva (UENF – Campos de Goitacazes/RJ)
Ph.D. Mabel M. Fernández (UNLPam – Santa Rosa/La Pampa – Argentina)
Ph.D. María Teresa Boschín (UNLu – Luján/Buenos Aires – Argentina)
Ph.D. Michel Justamand (UFAM – Benjamin Constant/AM)
Ph.D. Paulo Alves Junior (FMU – São Paulo/SP)
Ph.D. Renata Senna Garrafoni (UFPR – Curitiba/PR)
Ph.D. Renilda Aparecida Costa (UFAM – Manaus/AM)
Ph.D. Sebastião Rocha de Sousa (UEA – Tabatinga/AM)
Ph.D. Thereza Cristina Cardoso Menezes (UFRRJ – Rio de Janeiro/RJ)
Ph.D. Vanderlei Elias Neri (UNICSUL – São Paulo/SP)
Ph.D. Vera Lúcia Vieira (PUC – São Paulo/SP)
Ph.D. Wanderson Fabio Melo (UFF – Rio das Ostras/RJ)


Nelson Alves Pereira Jr (UNIFESP/SP)

M.S. Karel H. Langermans (ANHANGUERA/SP)

Juliana de Oliveira Alves Pereira (UNOPAR/SP)


Nelson Alves Pereira Jr (UNIFESP/SP)


Alexa Cultural Ltda

Instructions for Authors

Editorial Contact Information

Nelson Alves Pereira Jr
Juliana Oliveira Alves Pereira

Scientific Department of the Brazilian Society of Neurometry

Adress: Benedito Branco de Abreu Street 102 Butantã - São Paulo / SP - Brazil - Zip Code 05541-090

Telephone: +55-11-3742-0455


Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out; that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher; that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders; that written permission of the copyright holder is obtained by the authors for material used from other copyrighted sources; and that any costs associated with obtaining this permission are the authors' responsibility.

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Abstract: Each article is to be preceded by a succinct abstract, of up to 250 words, that highlights the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the paper.

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  • Journal papers -- name(s) and initial(s) of author(s), year in brackets, full title, name of the journal as abbreviated in Chemical Abstracts, volume number, first and last page numbers: Quiring R, Walldorf U, Koter U, Gehring WJ (1994) Homology of the eyeless gene of Drosophila to the small eye gene in mice and aniridia in humans. Science 265:785
  • Books -- name(s) of author(s), year in brackets, full title, edition, publishers, place of publication, page number: Maizels N, Weiner AM (1993) The genomic tag hypothesis: modern viruses as fossils of ancient strategies for genomic replication. In: Gesteland RF, Atkins JF (eds) The RNA world. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York, pp. 577 -- 602 Li W - (1997) Molecular evolution. Sinauer Assosiates, Sunderland, MA

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Revista Científica de Neurometria de está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.

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Plagiarism is the unethical act of copying someone else’s prior ideas, processes, results or words without explicit acknowledgement of the original author and source. Self-plagiarism occurs when an author utilizes large part of his/her own previously published work without using appropriate references. This can range from getting the same manuscript published in multiple journals to modifying a previously published manuscript with some new data.


Scientific journal neurometry (SJN) respects intellectual property and aims at protecting and promoting original work of its authors. Manuscripts containing plagiarized material are against the standards of quality, research and innovation. Hence, all authors submitting articles to SJN are expected to abide ethical standards and abstain from plagiarism, in any form. In case, an author is found to be suspected of plagiarism in a submitted or published manuscript then, SJN shall contact the author (s) to submit his / her (their) explanation within two weeks, which may be forwarded to the Fact Finding Committee (FFC) constituted for the purpose, for further course of action. If SJN does not receive any response from the author within the stipulated time period, then the Director / Dean / Head of the concerned College, Institution or Organization or the Vice Chancellor of the University to which the author is affiliated shall be contacted to take strict action against the concerned author.

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  5. Any other course of action, as recommended by the Committee or as deemed fit for the instant case or as decided by the Editorial Board, from time to time.


For more details see the attached file by clicking here (document in PDF).

Quality control system (peer review)

Scientific Journal Neurometry (SNJ) is having ISSN 2594-438X (online), semiannual international journal, being published since year 2017.

Reviewers play a central role in scholarly publishing. SJN uses peer review process. This means that the reviewer(s) of the paper won’t get to know the identity of the author(s), and the author(s) won’t get to know the identity of the reviewer(s). Peer review helps validate research, establish a method by which it can be evaluated, and increase networking possibilities within research communities. Despite criticisms, peer review is still the only widely accepted method for research validation.

All submitted papers will be reviewed by peer review process which may take minimum 01 to 03 weeks from the date of submission. We are advising to all the author(s), do not submit same paper to the multiple journals. You should wait for review status of paper.

SJN is committed to prompt evaluation and publication of fully accepted papers. To maintain a high-quality publication, all submissions undergo a rigorous review process. Characteristics of the peer review process are as follows:

  • Simultaneous submissions of the same manuscript to different journals will not be tolerated.
  • Manuscripts with contents outside the scope will not be considered for review.
  • Papers will be refereed by reviewers as suggested by the editorial board.
  • In addition, Editors will have the option of seeking additional reviews when needed.
  • Authors will be informed when Editors decide further review is required. All publication decisions are made by the journal’s Editors-in-Chief on the basis of the referees’ reports (reviewers report).
  • Authors of papers that are not accepted are notified promptly.
  • All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential documents. All submitted papers will be reviewed by review process.
  • All manuscripts submitted for publication in SJN cross-checked for plagiarism software. Manuscripts found to be plagiarized during initial stages of review are out-rightly rejected and not considered for publication in the journal.
  • In case if a manuscript is found to be plagiarized after publication, the Editor-in-Chief will conduct preliminary investigation, may be with the help of a suitable committee constituted for the purpose. If the manuscript is found to be plagiarized beyond the acceptable limits, the journal will contact the author’s Institute / College / University and Funding Agency, if any.

SJN strictly uses following peer review process:

Licensing terms

License agreement

In submitting an article to any of the journals published by Scientific Journal Neurometry(SJN) I certify that;

  1. I am authorized by my co-authors to enter into these arrangements.
  2. I warrant, on behalf of myself and my co-authors, that:
    • ​​the article is original, has not been formally published in any other peer-reviewed journal, is not under consideration by any other journal and does not infringe any existing copyright or any other third party rights;
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    • the article contains nothing that is unlawful, libellous, or which would, if published, constitute a breach of contract or of confidence or of commitment given to secrecy;
    • I/we have taken due care to ensure the integrity of the article. To my/our - and currently accepted scientific - knowledge all statements contained in it purporting to be facts are true and any formula or instruction contained in the article will not, if followed accurately, cause any injury, illness or damage to the user.
  3. I, and all co-authors, agree that the article, if editorially accepted for publication, shall be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0. In line with SJN's Open Data Policy, data included in the article shall be made available under the Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication waiver, unless otherwise stated. If the law requires that the article be published in the public domain, I/we will notify Scientific Journal Neurometry at the time of submission, and in such cases not only the data but also the article shall be released under the Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication waiver. For the avoidance of doubt it is stated that sections 1 and 2 of this license agreement shall apply and prevail regardless of whether the article is published under Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0or the Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication waiver.

​[End of SJN’s license agreement]

Explanatory notes regarding SJN’s license agreement

As an aid to our authors, the following paragraphs provide some brief explanations concerning the Creative Commons licenses that apply to the articles published in SJN-published journals and the rationale for why we have chosen these licenses.

The Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), of which CC BY 4.0 is the most recent version, was developed to facilitate open access as defined in the founding documents of the movement, such as the 2003 Berlin Declaration. Open access content has to be freely available online, and through licensing their work under CC BY authors grant users the right to unrestricted dissemination and re-use of the work, with only the one proviso that proper attribution is given to authors. This liberal licensing is best suited to facilitate the transfer and growth of scientific knowledge. The Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) therefore strongly recommends the use of CC BY for the open access publication of research literature, and many research funders worldwide either recommend or mandate that research they have supported be published under CC BY. Examples for such policies include funders as diverse as the Wellcome Trust, the Australian Governments, the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 framework programme, or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The default use of the Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication waiver (CC0 or CC zero) for data published within articles follows the same logic, facilitating maximum benefit and the widest possible re-use of knowledge. It is also the case that in some jurisdictions copyright does not apply to data. CC0 waives all potential copyrights, to the extent legally possible, as well as the attribution requirement. The waiver applies to data, not to the presentation of data. If, for instance, a table or figure displaying research data is reproduced, CC BY and the requirement to attribute applies. Increasingly, however, new insights are possible through the use of big data techniques, such as data mining, that harness the entire corpus of digital data. In such cases attribution is often technically infeasible due to the sheer mass of the data mined, making CC0 the most suitable licensing tool for research outputs generated from such innovative techniques.

It is important to differentiate between legal requirements and community norms. It is first and foremost a community norm, not a law, that within the scientific community attribution mostly takes the form of citation. It is also a community norm that researchers are expected to refer to their sources, which usually takes the form of citation. Across all cases of research reuse (including data, code, etc), community norms will apply as is appropriate for the situation: researchers will cite their sources where it is feasible, regardless of the applicable license. CC0 therefore covers those instances that lie beyond long-established community norms. The overall effect, then, of CC0 for data is to enable further use, without any loss of citations. For further explanation, we recommend you refer to our Open Data page.

In the following, we provide the licenses’ summaries as they can be found on the Creative Commons website.

The Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 provides the following summary (where ‘you’ equals ‘the user’):

You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution— you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • No additional restrictions—you may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation.

No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.

Please note: For the terms set in italics in the summary above further details are provided on the Creative Commons web page from which the summary is taken (

The Creative Commons 1.0 Public Domain Dedication waiver provides the following summary:

No copyright

The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighbouring rights, to the extent allowed by law.

You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. See Other information below.

Other information

  • In no way are the patent or trademark rights of any person affected by CC0, nor are the rights that other persons may have in the work or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.
  • Unless expressly stated otherwise, the person who associated a work with this deed makes no warranties about the work, and disclaims liability for all uses of the work, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.
  • When using or citing the work, you should not imply endorsement by the author or the affirmer.

Please note: for the terms set in italics in the summary above further details are provided on the Creative Commons web page from which the summary is taken (


citation_title, citation_authors, citation_journal_title, citation_date