Aims, Scope and About



Scientific Journal Neurometry

Revista Científica de Neurometria


Aims, Scope and About

The Scientific Journal of Neurometry (SJN) is a journal designed by the Brazilian Society of Neurometry.

This journal seeks articles with the objective of developing a vehicle for debate and dissemination of scientific works in various areas of health, education, sports and personal performance, correlated with neurometry.

The evolution will be to supply the need in several areas and increase the stimulus to research from the early stages of the professional trained. The SJN seeks to collaborate in the process of dissemination of scientific and technological production, showing the ability of professional researchers and also students in the process of Initiation to Scientific and Technological Education in producing, elaborating and disseminating their scientific productions relevant for the transformation and improvements in science and technology. We will increasingly fill the academic gap with publications willing to encourage and disseminate written work on neurometry. This omission, whether voluntary or unthought, perpetuates inaccuracies in the training and criticism of professionals, which ultimately prove unable to concatenate the information acquired with the questions of reality. Therefore, for the valorization of the research, it is necessary to stimulate the debate and the social utility of the produced knowledge. Through tools such as the one we presently present – a space that disseminates the quality academic production of members and professionals from all over the country and abroad.

The scientific journal of neurometry accepts for publication unpublished articles resulting from theoretical studies, research and experience reports. The publication of articles is subject to the opinion of members Scientific Committee or Ad hoc Collaborators. The selection of articles for publication takes as its basic criteria its contribution to the areas of knowledge accepted by the Journal and its editorial line, as well as as the consistency and rigor of the theoretical-methodological approach.

Any changes in structure or content suggested by the Editorial Board will only be incorporated upon agreement of the authors. With this, RCN will favor the diffusion of intellectual production from work completed or in the process of investigation coming from different sources within of higher education.

We reinforce this space as a possibility to encourage active posture in the learning process. We strive for a teaching method that promotes not only the reproduction of content but the construction of reasoning and argumentation. We argue that the change of posture through actions more proactive, will contribute to the formation of more capable and competent professionals in their Social.

We appreciate your confidence in our initiative and wish you a great read!